Through extensive efforts, the Arins have initiated the translation process for the fourth part of the Tale of Mulgarath. This tale follows his journey as he moves towards his fate, exploring the forest and reflecting on his past.
Lost and Reflective
As Mulgarath traveled west of Mt. Ares, keeping away from well-traveled paths due to the wariness of the Lootians who had abandoned him in the forest, he was overwhelmed with fear and terror. Nevertheless, his ambition propelled him forward despite needing a clear direction. He questioned himself, asking, “Forward to what?”
Eventually, Mulgarath reached Mt. Hercules and began observing the mountain range. While making his way around the Medusa Forest, he was reminded of his childhood, specifically the mysterious figure with horns whose identity remained unknown. Nevertheless, he could sneak around passes and traverse the mountains, avoiding the dwarves, who disregarded the other creatures that inhabited the land. This experience allowed Mulgarath to expand his knowledge of this new world and to gain an appreciation of places beyond the Great Medusa Forest.