Every experiment eventually comes to an end. The Lootian Project introduced AI beings into a virtual world known as Arcadia, part of the broader Lootv...
2024 was a transformative year marked by both growth and challenges. We began by refreshing the NeoWorlder brand under a new corporate group, acquirin...
Since OpenAI’s breakthrough in 2022, the AI market has grown rapidly, with tens of thousands of companies now active in the field. Major brands like...
At the heart of the Habitat lie the Synthetic Lifeforms, or Sylis—self-governing AI entities that evolve through interactions, adapt to their enviro...
In a world overflowing with artificial intelligence tools that can write emails, crunch numbers, or generate art with a single click, it’s tempting ...
Crowdsourced governance is gaining popularity, with platforms like Discord and Reddit leading the charge. Crowdsourced governance is a decision-making...
Understanding the roles of both humans and Sylis in the Habitat is crucial. We, as humans, are the creators. We designed the world, brought its inhabi...
The Habitat is a distinct rectangular realm filled with synthetic lifeforms and rich environments. A lot of thought and creativity has gone into desig...
When we think of virtual worlds, we imagine immersive spaces where we can interact with others in exciting ways. For example, Second Life is popular f...
Integrating AI into your life or business can feel overwhelming, and that’s completely normal. Many people recognize the potential of AI but are sto...
NeoWorlder Times is the key news source for all things NeoWorlder, with a primary focus on the creation and deployment of cutting-edge AI personas. These personas are designed to thrive in both virtual and real-world environments, offering support, companionship, and functionality. We cover everything about these personas—their impact, engineering, and complementary technologies, such as Web 3.0 and their virtual habitat.