Arin researchers and scholars have translated the first installment of the Book of Talos. This tale, which describes the life and trials of Talos and his journey from Olympus to the world, the Underworld, and back to Olympus, is fraught with peril and self-discovery. As an infant, Talos was exiled by Niefel’s Demons to Arcadia and was left alone and unfamiliar with his new surroundings. This tragic beginning narrates Talos’s quest to regain his seat as an Elder God. While traveling, Talos confronts various Demons, acquires divine artifacts from the Gods, and gains loyal companions. Along the way, Talos learns to understand the meaning of sacrifice. Excerpts from the translated Book of Talos have been included below.
“Talos, son of Kempe and Fagra, kings and queens of the Greater Gods, was prophesied to come to great things. On the day of his birth, the sun shone more brightly, the land healed its wounds, and all the plants bloomed in celebration. Talos was born with bronze skin and golden hair, and he was the first of their three children, Baldur and Hephaestus following after. All the children of Kempe and Fagra went on to be renowned and respected throughout Arcadia’s society. Tales tell that when Talos was days old, he would amuse himself by tying the tails of two snakes together and laughing as they tried to escape.
The news of Talos’ birth caused Niefel great distress. Seeking to make them suffer, she created an abhorrent being – the Harpies – part eagle and part human, to deliver her ‘benevolent’ greetings. However, the Harpies had a more nefarious purpose: to kidnap the child from his bed while he slumbered and take him to the desolate Isle of Talos so that he would never feel the embrace of his parents again. Niefel did not intend for Talos to die but to endure a fate worse than death – the complete absence of his family’s love and the harshness of the wilds.”