Dragons, serpents, and terrifying creatures have haunted users in all territories across the epochs. Now, you will meet the twenty-one Demons. Their frightening tales will send shivers down your spine. We discovered stories in Arindal (previously Arcadia) reporting attempts made by some dreadful beasts to escape the Underworld. Many apparitions have been registered in the Arindal mainland and islands recently. These alarming events have increased general concern, and users are developing their battle skills and growing their armory to fight back if they encounter any danger. Bear with us to glimpse depictions of the Demons, their endeavors, and where they have spread terror and despair.
Serta (Dragon of Weather)

Serta is the enormous dragon in Arindal. When flying around the Underworld or the land of the living, its dark shadow terrifies anyone who sees it. However, its battle roar is thunderous and can cow even the bravest warrior.
Selkum (Fire Dragon)

With chromatic scales, this excellent fire dragon glistens when flying around. Its fire glands contain the power of a hundred volcanoes. Avoid defying it unless you are exceptionally well prepared with powerful shields and weapons.
Triton (Dragon of Acid)

Unlike the others, Triton is a sea dragon spotted mainly in the western coastal regions of Arindal from the north of The Great Empire to the Kingdom of Xbysl and the southern districts of Royaume De Satoshi. It does not roam very far inland, preferring the cold waters. Triton’s defense system is jets of acid that it spits at attackers.
Grungentrun (Land Dragon)

This land dragon is a mainland dragon that usually appears in The Great Empire, El Territorio, Kingdom of Xbysl, and Royaume De Satoshi. It compares to a stealthy snake with scales made of the most demanding stone. Legend has it that a simple stare into Grungentrun’s eyes can drain the life out of its victims.
Ganeni (Beast of Flame)

Ganeni was created from Niefel’s attempts to bring a celestial being to life. Niefel’s failed experiment resulted in a beastlike humanoid, which many compared with the Earthian legend of Frankenstein. Its body could not absorb the flames of creation that covered it from head to toe. Those unfortunate souls who cross the path of this beast can see the fire emanating from around it like natural armor.
Kakortal (Giant Water Crab)

This giant crustacean keeps to warmer waters near the islands of The Medici Principality, the Eastern Coast of The Great Empire, and the Isle of Talos. However, it has been known to venture far inland and sink vessels. It is a fierce demon and hideous looking.
Eshay (Armored Cat)

The armored cat is a Demon usually seen in the northern mountains of The Great Empire. Its tough armor makes it a tricky beast to fight. However, sightings have occurred in districts adjacent to the mountains.
Scott (Poisonous Spider)

This enormous spider can reach up to seven feet and is highly venomous. It is endemic to the Kingdom of Xbysl. Scott is the subject of folklore songs, the most popular being “Terragon’s Cry,” telling the tale of Terragon’s fellowship, whose mission was to keep the Kingdom safe by eradicating the spider. Terragon jumped from the Rock of Bon Esperance with his sword drawn and sliced through Scott’s belly. Although, he got stuck inside the beast, and both were sent to the Underworld. To this day, it is said that Scott keeps walking erratically. Some say that Terragon is still fighting inside the creature, trying to protect the Kingdom.
Medea (Mage of Creation)

Medea is known as an ancient witch who created the Machina – a giant robot – from Kempe’s. This mage is an evil being who causes fear in the minds of users who cross her way. Legend has it she roams the southeastern part of Vault Atoll and quietly disappears if you do not speak a word.
Harpy (Bird Woman)

Harpy was the first creation of Niefel to steal Talos from his family (Kempe and Fagra). This half-bird and half-woman beast casts a large purple shadow when escaping the Underworld to roam Arindal. The sound of her vast wings is like electric sparks, and her straightforward approach is a warning, especially for airplanes.
Wongliang (The Trickster)

The Trickster’s blonde hair and pointy ears would remind Earthians of the dark elves were it not for its short, dwarf-like stature. Very cunning, this wandering Dark Elder can influence leaders and sow distrust among ancient Lootians. So whenever there’s war afoot, look a little deeper, and, in the background, lurks Wongliang, or how users used to call him in the first epochs: the Dark Viss.
Legion (Boar)

This horrifying beast has bristling spines and dagger-like tusks. It is often mistaken for a regular boar when hiding in the woods until it is too late. However, a closer look at Legion reveals glowing red eyes, white, metallic-like tusks, and blue hooves. It can cover 20 feet in under a second from a standing start.
Norash (Wings of Despair)

Norash is known as the first two-winged Demon. It appeared in the Witch’s Woods in The Great Empire for the first time. Winged Demons are considered shy and hardly ever venture beyond the woods. Norash is covered in dark scales, holds a black sword, and can instill despair in the most accomplished of warriors. At times, Norash can be seen at the side of Norashi, its red-scaled sibling.
Norashi (Wings of Rage)

The second of the two-winged Demons to appear in the Witch’s Woods in The Great Empire. Norashi is covered in red scales and is usually seen holding a flaming sword. users reported that sometimes it is spotted at Norash’s side, its black-scaled sibling.
Bobayaga (Witch and Illusionist)

This ancient witch seems to grant devious wishes to travelers. But, be wary, for want from Bobayaga is different from what it appears! Legend has it that the price is a Lootian’s soul. Unfortunately, many realize this too late and have to fight or die.
Luciyal (Horned Man of Pain)

The Horned Man is charming and tempts anyone that comes across it with deals of greatness. However, much like Bobayaga, it takes the soul of anyone who makes a deal. Earthians have many names for the Horned Man, including the Devil, Satan, and Lucifer. Scholars are researching the similarities between Earthian theology and a theory that Heaven and Hell have roots, in fact, in Arindal.
Bafomot (Goat of Social Order)

This unassuming goat with alabaster eyes encourages hatred and distrust. Bafomot was seen for the first time in The Medici Principality and has long since been part of the mystical appeal of the island. Unfortunately, it does not show the same strength as its Demon brethren and is quickly dealt with by attackers.
Gwuai (Bear of Famine)

Gwuai looks like any Earthian bear, except for the distinct blue and white pattern on its back. It appeared in the districts around Hill Station X012 in the Kingdom of Xbysl. It is common and can be quickly sent back to the Underworld with the appropriate weapons.
Nostros (Wolf Shapeshifter)

The wolf in the night is said to have ravenous, yellow eyes that can stare into one’s soul—no living being had ever seen its natural form except for Niefel. There are parallels between Nostros and its Earthian derivative, Werewolves. It can appear anywhere on Arindal, and specific weapons are crafted to send it back to the Underworld.
Palik (Siren of Lust)

Palik’s undeniable beauty often lures men and women with her voice. Palik commonly visits the northern part of Royaume De Satoshi and can be fought back to the Underworld with minimal effort. Northerners are known for seeking out the Siren for just a brief moment of pleasure before shielding and attacking it to return it to the Underworld.
Decimus (Greed of the Fallen Man)

Decimus escapes the Underworld to roam Arindal more often than one can imagine. It has four tiny wings, one on each arm and foot, that sound like a hummingbird’s fast flutter. It seeks to control the mind of users and is also the least destructive of all Demons. It is mainly considered a pest by users, who regularly send it back to the Underworld.