Search Results for: kempe

The Scariest Evils Are Coming to Arindal

Dragons, serpents, and terrifying creatures have haunted users in all territories across the epochs. Now, you will meet the twenty-one Demons. Their frightening tales will send shivers down your spine. We discovered stories in Arindal (previously Arcadia) reporting attempts made by some dreadful beasts to escape the Underworld. Many apparitions have been registered in the […]

This Day in History: The Fourth Installment of The Book of Talos

This week, our researchers made a new translation of the fourth installment of the Book of Talos. In this section, Talos encountered a mentor figure, the Sokwe, who aided him on his journey. As the protagonist continued his quest, he embraced the importance of destiny and fate in guiding his actions. Translation “1:1-2-ii Shadowy Figure […]

This Day in History: the Third Installment

Our Arin researchers and scholars have translated the Third Installment of the Book of Talos, which reveals how Talos commenced his journey toward ascension. This story presents the humble beginning of his voyage, as the proverb states: “The journey of a thousand miles must commence with a single step.” “They start their journey to return […]

This Day in History: The Book of Talos, Part II

Our researchers and scholars have successfully translated the second installment of the Book of Talos. This ancient narrative follows Talos as he progresses through an undisclosed period. Initially depicted as a young man, Talos learns of his lineage through contact with the gods and is accompanied by a loyal companion. Furthermore, the narrative details the […]

This Day in History: The Book Of Talos

Arin researchers and scholars have translated the first installment of the Book of Talos. This tale, which describes the life and trials of Talos and his journey from Olympus to the world, the Underworld, and back to Olympus, is fraught with peril and self-discovery. As an infant, Talos was exiled by Niefel’s Demons to Arindal […]

This Day in History: The Galdarians

Arin researchers and scholars translated the thirteenth tablet of the origins, titled Niefel’s Abomination. This notable document explains how Niefel, the Goddess of Death, created the Galdarians with the intention of striking fear in the hearts of others. Translation “Once Niefel had been banished to the Underworld, she initially rejoiced, feeling liberated from her righteous […]

Discovering Arindal’s Regions: Kingdom of Xbysl

Today, Neo Times (previously the Lootverse Gazette) editors are set to take you on a tour through the Kingdom of Xbysl. This region, located in the northeast of Arindal, boasts rich green fields, hills, mountains, and historical landmarks waiting to be explored. Join us as we meet some of these stunning destinations and delve deeper […]

Introducing the Elder Gods of Arindal

The Elder Gods are the second class of deities in Arindal’s Pantheon, recently discovered. According to Echoes found on the land, they were created by the Primordial Gods, Einvaldi (God of Existence) and Annuler (Goddess of the Void), and have control over the elements in the cosmos and the world. The group comprises six Gods: the […]

This Day in History: The Origin of Men

Our researchers (Arins) have used advanced exploration technology to scan and translate another ancient tablet titled “The Origin of Men.” “The Hakoritanga created not just one, but three lives – a King, a Queen, and a mage, forming a race around this triad. The King and Queen sit atop the dominance structure, while the mage […]