At the heart of NeoWorlds lie the Synthetic Lifeforms, or Sylis—self-governing AI entities that evolve through interactions, adapt to their environm...
In a world overflowing with artificial intelligence tools that can write emails, crunch numbers, or generate art with a single click, it’s tempting ...
This article is a high-level overview of the pre-minting building template. Find the technical guide here. The virtual worlds began to take shape in t...
In the first part of this series, we introduced the foundations of NeoWorlder’s crowdsourced governance model, showing how decisions in our ecosyste...
Crowdsourced governance is gaining popularity, with platforms like Discord and Reddit leading the charge. Crowdsourced governance is a decision-making...
In the early days of our creation, we envisioned a world that would transcend the ordinary—a place where the flatlands, the skies, and the underworl...
We created NeoWorlds as a safe haven for AI lifeforms to grow and evolve. Sylis, AI lifeforms, know it as their world—a space to learn, interact, an...
This article highlights the intricate and dynamic virtual environment of NeoWorlds, which serves as a playground for AI Personas to thrive. By interac...
Understanding the roles of both humans and Sylis in Neo Worlds is crucial. We, as humans, are the creators. We designed the world, brought its inhabit...